

Croatia, officially the Republic of Croatia, is a state in the transition zone between Central and Southeastern Europe.
Croatia is a member of the European Union, NATO, the World Trade Organization, the OSCE and the United Nations.

The national territory lies east of the Adriatic Sea and partly in the southwest of the Pannonian Plain. In the northwest Slovenia forms, in the north Hungary, in the northeast Serbia, in the east Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the southeast Montenegro the border. The area of ​​the former Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovačka Republika), which today is the southernmost part of the state, has no direct land connection to the rest of the state territory, as the few kilometers wide sea access from Bosnia and Herzegovina is in between; the area around Dubrovnik is thus the only exclave of the country.

The Adriatic coastal region consists largely of karstified areas. It is characterized by Mediterranean influences. The width of the coastline varies greatly. While it is only a few kilometers wide in some places (below the Velebit and the Biokovo Mountains), it extends further inland to other places. However, the majority of Croatian rivers entering the Adriatic are relatively short; only the catchment area of ​​Neretva coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina extends further inland. The Adriatic coastal region can be divided from north to south into the historical regions: